Why Hitler Lost World War 2

Why Hitler Lost World War 2

Why Hitler Lost World War 2: Hitler thought that now that all this fighting was over, Winston Churchill would want to sign a peace treaty with Hitler. Churchill would not want to put his country at risk now that the German Army had become so powerful, but the opposite happened. This is an iconic speech. The fight is in the fields, the streets, the fight is in the hills, let’s make it clear that there can never be a peace agreement between Churchill and Hitler, is waged against Germany

Why Hitler Lost World War 2

Why Hitler Lost? World War 2 Dhruv Rathee

This will continue: This speech meant that Hitler would now like to end the UK also and the same attempt was made by Hitler. Hitler plans Operation Sea Lion to attack the British. Sea Lion is thought here to attack the British. How to attack Britain by land, there is no connection

The army cannot be: Sent between the UK and mainland Europe like this. If an attempt is made through ships, the British Royal Navy has many more ships. It will not sit well in comparison with Germany, so then the decision is taken like Hitler’s. By first controlling the air space, the German Air Force had 2600 aircraft, the UK had only 700, therefore, on 10th July 1940, Hitler attacked Britain from the air. The German Air Force attacks Britain by dropping bombs in the beginning. their purpose was 

First the aircrafts and: Fields and manufacturing factories should be destroyed. The small British Royal Air Force, which is 143 in size in comparison to the German Air Force, tries its best to differentiate its country. There is a big top fight but eventually the British will have to bear more losses. Gradually, the Germans started attacking even at night. One such night happened on 24 August 1940, when by mistake some German pilots went and dropped bombs on the city of London.

Where a lot of: Civilians are killed. What kind of war do 1666 pictures think it is? They are attacking our cities. We will also do the same. The UK reacts by dropping bombs on Berlin city and when it does this to Hitler by dropping bombs on Berlin city and When Hitler saw this happening, initially he was not interested in dropping bombs on the city of London, but when he saw that the bombing of the city has already started, now I will destroy London also. 15 September 1940 Hitler Order does

More than 1000 fighter: Jets should be sent at once to carry out an all-out decisive attack on the German Air Force and the work should be completed in a single day. Imagine friends, what a sight people would have seen with more than 1000 fighter jets in the sky that day. Fighter jets are coming to drop bombs on your country, the specific number was 1001, 120 aircraft, out of which 620 were fighters and 500 were bombers. The British prepare their Royal Air Force, they have only 630 aircraft.

This day is a historic: Battle holiday in the sky. The British Royal Air Force shoots down more than 60 missing Mafi aircraft. On their side there are only 29 aircraft. You heard it right. The British successfully stopped the attack of the German Air Force. This day is called What was the reason behind the Battle of Britain? This question will come to your mind. How did it happen that the German airports which were so overpowered and had a large number of airplanes, yet how did they lose to the British Air Force? The reason is very simple. Hey friend, whenever any country is attacked 

When one country: Threatens another country, then the country that is threatening is trying to achieve something here. For the country that differentiates itself, it is a question of literary existence. If today we do not fight with all our lives, then our country will be destroyed, there will be no place left for us to live. There is a huge difference in the motivation of the soldiers. A recent example of this is Russia, Ukraine. When last year Russia annexed Ukraine, everyone thought that within a week, Russia would annex the entire Ukraine. Because the Russian Army was much bigger and the technology was more advanced in comparison to the Ukrainian Army, the motivation within the Ukrainian soldiers was much higher.

Therefore, till today: Ukraine has been successful to a great extent in defending its country. Friends, the Battle of Britain was one of the first major losses for Hitler. For the first time, Hitler had to face a defeat in World War 2. It was known that the chances were low that this mission would have been successful, so Operation Sea Line was postponed and Hitler turned his attention away from the UK and looked at the Soviet Union. In April 1941, the story on drugs looked something like this: Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria in Eastern Europe. Which countries had formed their alliance with Germany

Why Hitler Lost World War 2

He became a part of the: Access Powers. After this, if we go to the East,

Hitler had already captured: The countries of Yugoslavia and Greece. Actually, the Italian dictator Mussolini was busy occupying Libya and Greece, but the British had a presence in the Mediterranean Sea. That was a bit much, the Italian forces could not deal with it alone, so to defeat the British forces, Hitler sent some German troops to fight with the Italians in Libya and with the help of this they also captured Yugoslavia and Greece. Interesting The thing is that Hitler was not that much interested

In order to end Britain: Hitler actually wanted to sign a peace treaty with Britain. He felt that why not turn his attention to the Soviet Union and defeat the Soviet Union and when this would happen, Britain would automatically be forced to sign a peace treaty out of fear. But why attack the Soviet Union when there was already a peace treaty with them? The real reason behind this was friends, Hitler’s ideology. He had a strong hatred for communist people. Apart from this, he felt that only if a country as big as the Soviet Union could be captured, Germany would become the number one super power in the world because so much land will now come within Germany. Basically Hitler had gone crazy. 

He felt that he was: The king of the world. Power had made him completely crazy. He felt that he could achieve anything, could take over the whole world, but attacking the Soviet Union was a big mistake for Hitler. This fact becomes the turning point. Hitler’s plan in World War 2 was very simple. The way he invited France, in the same way he will invent the Soviet Union. Divide your German forces into three parts. The first part will go directly to Lenin from the Balti region. grade and the city where stalin lived 

Will attack and the: Third part will attack from the South. This operation starts while going through Ukraine. On 22nd June 1941, the Soviet Union’s army was much bigger in comparison to the German’s. They had 20000 tanks compared to the German’s which had only 6000 tanks but the big difference was that the German technology was much better in comparison to the Soviet one, hence you had the upper hand in this fight. It was still Hitler’s side to save his country. The Soviet Union was still with Britain to save his country. The Soviet Union was with Britain. Becomes part of elite powers by adding 

Together, a plan is made: On how to send supplies to the Soviet Union’s army. A route is decided which will go through Iran, but the problem was that the government in Iran was in Hitler’s favor, so this region was The UK and the Soviet Union together attacked Iran. The benefit here is not much because with the help of Hitler’s bit kick strategy, within just two days the Germans already penetrated 100 kilometers and captured so much of the land of the Soviet Union. Within a week they advanced so far that they were only 300 kilometers from Moscow. There was some disagreement between Hitler and his military commanders on the timing of this point, due to which the next German advance was delayed until October. it seems 

The Soviets have an: Advantage in cold weather, they have a habit of fighting in the cold. On the other hand, if we look at Japan’s side, the Soviet Union gets its second advantage there. Japan and the Soviets had signed a nonaggression treaty together, this means that the Soviet Army troops who were present on the eastern border were beginning to fight with Japan. Now they could come back and fight in the West to save their country against Germany. Another tweet comes in our story in December 1941. Suddenly he goes to Japan and attacks its Pearl Harbor base.

Why Hitler Lost World War 2

More than 2300: American troops were killed without any provocation. America, till this point of time, did not want to get involved in World War 2. Seeing whatever had happened till now in Europe, America had said that it is not my problem, now I am involved in it. I don’t want to be too involved in World War 1. You guys see for yourself, but when this bombing of Pall Harbor happens, then America feels that enough is enough. At this point of time, America officially declares war against Japan. And enters World War 2. America joins an alliance with elite forces. 

Now there are big countries: like the UK, Soviet Union and China. Here you will think that why Pearl Harbor is actually attacked, there is a whole story of its own behind it which I have explained in the video of Hiroshima and Nagasaki from the perspective of Japan and America. I have explained it in the video, if you haven’t seen it, you can watch it after this video. I will put the link in the description. Before entering, in early 1942, countries like Thailand and Cambodia were already handed over to Japan and they captured them. It is 1942. Hitler decides to focus on the south of the Soviet Union, which is beginning to destroy their supply chain, and destroy it before Iran. A deadly war breaks out here.

The Soviet Union’s: Army is able to successfully defend itself against the German army in the city of Stalingrad. On the other hand, elite forces together with America attack Japanese territories. This battle in the South Pacific is called the Battle of Midway. Four important Japanese aircraft. and supply carriers are destroyed In June 1942, Japanese carriers were fitted with mighty assistants By the end of 1942, the British Army could successfully drive out Italian and German forces from Egypt The Battle of Stalingrad went on for a very long time November 1942 Winter season has come again

It is becoming very: Difficult for the German Army to fight. At one point of time, the German Army had almost completely captured the city of Sterling Rate, but the Soviets kept fighting till the end. The Battle of Stalin Grand Puri was the deadliest battle during World War 2. Soviet soldiers live successfully. About 3 lakh German soldiers present inside the Stalin Grand are surrounded from all sides by Soviet soldiers. These people went to Surendra in February 1943 and lived in Italy in July 1943, a few months after the end of World War 2. The common people push away their dictator Mussolini and come out.

In Literary Italy: An anti-fascist movement is seen among the common people. Frustrated with their conditions, civilian people fight against their dictator and are verbally murdered. By the common Italians living in a village, Partition means Partition. An interesting fact is that the civilian people who take up arms to fight for some calls, here is the famous song Bela Cho, today you must have heard it in Money Height series, the origin of this song is in Italy, at this time if Have you ever noticed that in the first words of the song it is called Party Jaanu? 

Party takes decision to: Stop fighting with Janu i.e. Partition and Double Cross. Confidence was increasing in the country that they could actually defeat Hitler. In November 1943, Stalin, Roosevelt and the famous three met in Tehran to discuss World War 2. How to end 6th June 1944, another historical day called DD, on this day the Alert Forces launch a fierce operation. More than 150,000 British Canadian and American soldiers land on it between Normandy in France. let’s land 

Here they will fight on: The ground against the German Army and liberate France. This was the first time since the evacuation of Dunker a few years ago that the British Army was present on the ground to fight against the German Army. This is the day for those three people. Long have waited, this is the day. This became a very troublesome situation for Hitler. Hitler had asked his army to focus on the Soviet Union, they had to bear losses due to the cold there. 

The Soviet Union had not been: Able to be completely defeated and now the attack was coming from the Western Front as well, so Hitler decided to withdraw the army from the Eastern Front and focus the entire counter attack on the best elite forces like Hitler withdrew his army. A big counter attack was seen from the Soviet Union. Within just two months, the Soviets took back about 600 kilometers of land. The countries of Germany and Romania now came under the occupation of the Soviet Army. On the other hand, elite forces also land in France from the south.

Why Hitler Lost World War 2Liberation of countries begins: One after the other. Hitler’s army is thrown out. German troops were thrown out. Now Germany is being attacked from three directions. Hitler makes his last major offensive plan which is called In The Battle of Bull Sto Strike One Strong Region, its purpose was that the elite forces would carry out tremendous aerial bombing before the German army could go and overtake the elite forces inside Germany.

In February 1945: The Kremta Conference was held behind the scenes of the Germans, in which it was announced that any country that declared war on Germany could join in attacking Germany. Venezuela, Uruguay, Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Living and Paraguay all declared war. The last four months of World War 2 in Germany are the most painful. Almost 30,000 people are being killed every day. As the elite forces advance, they come to know about Hitler’s concentration camps. German lions remain killed. But later this thing is also criticized by some people.

That it was unnecessary to: Drop bombs on the German camps where many civilians were killed. It is said that when Hitler could have been killed on the ground anyway, then what was the need to do this. This point had become clear by the time. That Hitler is going to be defeated here finally, in 1945, the city of Berlin is surrounded by the Soviet Army, just 2 days before this, on 30th April 1945, Hitler commits suicide. On 8th April 1945, Germany formally surrendered.1945Update: Five core Germany formally Surendra remembers: German territories are divided. East Germany and West Germany are formed. 

A new country of Poland is created: Borders of many other countries are redrawn from a large part of this Germany. Nowadays, when you look at the map of Europe, it looks like this because of World War 2. Before that, the map was different. Whenever a new government is formed in Germany, it joins hands with France. There is a centuries-old enmity that was going on between the two countries. 

Its final conclusion is that in: The beginning, to increase cooperation between the two countries, a European Coal and Steel Committee is formed so that it can trade in things like coal and steel. After a few years, it can also be extended to nearby countries like Italy and Britain. Trading becomes a part of this and is taken to the next step and eventually the European Union is formed in the year 2000, an organization which has crossed all borders today.

Among the European countries and: Thanks to which till date there has been no such attack after World War 2, the United Nations is also established in Europe in October 1945 to insure that no one in the world again World War was not to be seen; History is a New Way Ahead; the framework of World Bank, IMF and NATO is also set up, that is why friends, you must have noticed that the permanent members of the United Nations are actually those countries. 

Who were part of the elite force: An interesting fact in World War 2, although I have not told you yet, World War 2 does not end after Germany surrenders, Japan still takes 2 months to surrender in July 1945. An ultimatum is given to Surendra but this ultimatum is ignored, after which America drops atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. What is the whole story of this atomic bomb, I have explained it. 

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